The 60-second hack that silenced my inner critic🤫

What's in Your Circle of Control?


Unlock your power zone!

Focus on what truly matters.

Hey there,

Ever feel like you’re juggling a million things, both at work and home?

You’re used to making things happen, right? Me too!

But here’s a game-changer that transforms how you approach life: The Circle of Control (download the pdf).

This powerful visual will make you go, “Aha!”

Here’s the deal: That circle? It’s your power zone.

Everything inside it? That’s what you can control.

Inside your circle, you’ll find things like “My goals,” “My attitude,” “How I treat others,” and “My actions.” This is where your true power lies.

Outside the circle? That’s everything else – the stuff (the noise) we often stress about but can’t actually influence.

Outside, you’ll see “What others think,” “The future,” and “How others feel”—all things we worry about but can’t control. UGH—exhausting, right?

Here’s your challenge: For the next week, consciously focus on what’s inside your circle.

Stressed about a big project?

You can’t control every outcome, but you can control your effort and attitude.

Family dynamics getting complicated?

You can’t control others’ actions, but you can control your responses and boundaries.

Worried about market changes?

Focus on your skills and adaptability instead.

By shifting your focus to what’s inside your circle, you’re not just working smarter – you’re living smarter. You’re reclaiming your time and energy for what truly matters in every aspect of your life.

Remember, you’ve built an incredible life and career. You’ve got this. It’s time to channel that brilliant mind of yours where it counts most.

What’s one thing outside your circle that’s been stealing your energy?

How can you shift that focus back inside your circle?

Hit reply and let me know – I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Here’s to embracing your power zone,



P.S. Take a moment to really study the PDF. Notice how liberating it feels to focus on what’s inside your circle. This visual is a powerful daily reminder of where to direct your amazing energy!

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