empowering leaders at every level

Dive into the heart of the “Lead From Where You Are” philosophy and unlock your leadership excellence. This is a call to action! You won’t just be inspired; you’ll be armed and equipped to conquer new horizons. 

Infused wiht a dose of authentic mentorship at every turn, with real talk, actionable strategies, and a touch of fun in every engagement.

Get ready for an experience that does more than just speak to you- it empowers you to become the leader the world needs right now!

speaking topics

lead from where you are

More Than a Title- How Are You Showing Up?

beyond overthinking

Leadership with Clarity and Purpose

the art of mindful leadership

Balancing Insight and Action

navigating change with confidence

Adaptability in the Modern Workplace

mindfulness and resilience in life & leadership

Strategies for Well-Being

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Ovation Speaker Tech Rehearsals
Tonya Kay (3)

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