Ever had one of those “Wait, I thought we agreed on…” moments? 🤦‍♀️


Breaking the Illusion of Communication

5 Strategies for Clarity

Hey there!

Ever had one of those moments where you’re absolutely certain you explained something crystal clear, only to find out later that wires got crossed somewhere along the way?

Yeah, me too. It’s like we’re all playing a game of telephone sometimes, isn’t it? UGH!!

The Communication Conundrum

Let’s set the stage: You’ve just wrapped up a meeting, feeling pretty good about how everything went. Everyone nodded, smiled, and maybe even threw in an enthusiastic “Sounds great!” But fast forward a few days, and suddenly it’s:

  • “Wait, I thought we decided on…”
  • “Didn’t you say we were going to…”
  • “But I already told you that!”

Sound familiar?

Welcome to what I like to call the “Illusion of Communication.” It’s that sneaky little trick our brains play on us, making us think we’ve got it all figured out when really, we’re not quite on the same page.

Breaking the Illusion: Your 5-Step Guide

So, how do we bust the illusion myth? I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that I think you’ll love:

  1. The “Say It Back” Game: Remember playing “Repeat After Me” as a kid? Turns out, it’s not just for giggles. Try asking, “Could you summarize what we’ve agreed on?” It’s simple, AND effective.
  2. Listen Like You Mean It: We’ve all got two ears and one mouth for a reason, right? Really tune in to what others are saying. Trust me, your relationships (both at work and at home) will thank you.
  3. Speak Up, Buttercup:If something’s not clear, just ask! Chances are, if you’re confused, someone else is too. Be the hero who speaks up – your team will love you for it.
  4. The Follow-Up Email: Not Just for Salespeople: Send a quick recap after important conversations. It’s like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs – makes it way harder to get lost in the communication weeds. (this one is my Go-To)
  5. Check-In Chats:Make it a habit to touch base often. It’s like giving your relationships a little TLC – keeps everything running smoothly.

Why This Matters (Like, Really Matters)

Here’s the thing: great communication isn’t about being the boss or having all the answers. It’s about creating clarity, building trust, and making sure everyone feels heard. When we get it right, it’s like magic – stress goes down, productivity goes up, and suddenly, life feels a whole lot easier.

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
George Bernard Shaw

Your Communication Challenge

Ready to give it a try?

Here’s what I want you to do: In your very next conversation (yep, the one right after you finish reading this), try out one of these strategies. Just one! Then, pay attention to how it changes things. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes.

Remember, we’re all in this together. Building better communication isn’t just about work – it’s about creating deeper connections, feeling more confident, and yeah, maybe even enjoying life a little more along the way.

So, what do you say? Ready to break the illusion and start communicating like a pro? I know you’ve got this!


Tonya Kay

P.S. Got any communication wins (or whoopsies) you want to share? Hit reply and let me know. I love hearing from you!

→3 Ways to Elevate Your Life (For Real)

→Become the next-level version of who you’re meant to be. Ditch the People-Pleasing and the Overthinking. It’s time to embrace balance and fulfillment so you can enjoy your success. Email me: hello@tonyakay.co

→Master the Art of Communication. Because thinking everyone is on the same page isn’t the same as everyone being on the same page. Get Your Guide or Book a Call.

→Lead with Authenticity (No Power Suit Required). Discover your unique leadership style and watch your influence soar. → Book a “Strategy Session” (Let’s map out your plan and your path to success)

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