Embracing Uncertainty: It’s okay Not to Know Everything!

It’s okay to NOT KNOW

what you want or what the next step is…

Hey friend,

Lately, I’ve noticed something during my meet-and-greet sessions with potential clients—they’re turning into impromptu mini-coaching moments, and it’s genuinely inspiring! One common thread is that many feel unsure about what they want or the next steps to take. And you know what? That’s perfectly okay!

It may be tempting to look outside yourself for answers…but that’s actually the last place you should look.

It’s easy to scroll through social media looking for ‘answers,’ what usually happens? That sneaky old impostor syndrome or comparison mode kicks in, and BAM… you’re down a rabbit hole or, worse yet, drowning in self-doubt.

I recently met with a new client who was feeling the weight of her responsibilities. She confessed, “I’m not having fun anymore. I don’t know how to reach the next level without working harder.”

She was tired, dealing with anxiety, and felt like she was carrying the weight of the world. It was clear she needed to lighten her load and get back to having fun in her business again.

Together, we broke down her vision and what her ideal life was going to look like, focusing on what truly matters—simplicity and fun.

We mapped out a detailed plan that included clarifying team roles, created a plan to empower the team, and established clear processes to achieve this vision.

By the end of our session, she felt a renewed sense of possibility and excitement for the future. This is the best part of my role in her vision, seeing that joy wash over her and the excitement spark new life.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or disconnected from your joy, remember you’re not alone.



You’re not alone!

Let’s explore how you can redefine your journey to include more of what makes you thrive.


Thoughts Uncluttered

Embrace Peace and Say Goodbye to Overthinking

Unlock the Simple Strategies for Mental Ease


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