Don’t Take This Wrong, But… Not Everything Is About You👀😲

The “Me” Filter

Hey there,

Have you ever caught yourself in a spiral of overthinking, convinced that someone’s words or actions were a direct jab at you? Me too!

We’ve all been there, and let me tell you, it’s exhausting!

Let’s chat about a game-changing mindset shift that could save you a ton of mental energy and bring more peace into your life.

The World Through Our Lens

Humans are naturally wired to be the stars of our own life stories. It’s easy to feel like everything revolves around us – our thoughts, actions, successes, and even our perceived slights.

But here’s a liberating truth: not everything is about you. And trust me, that’s great news!

The “Me” Filter

We all view the world through our own unique lens. It’s natural – we’re the star of our own life story, after all. But this “me” filter can sometimes distort our perception, making us believe we’re also at the center of everyone else’s thoughts and actions. Spoiler alert: we’re not.

Putting Things into Perspective

Think about the last time you felt slighted by a colleague’s comment or a family member’s behavior. Now, ask yourself:

  1. Do I know what’s going on in their life right now?
  2. Maybe they’re dealing with challenges I’m unaware of.
  3. Could their actions be a reflection of their own stress or struggles?

The Freedom in “It’s Not About Me”

Realizing that not everything revolves around us is incredibly freeing.

It allows us to:

  1. Stop taking things personally, save our emotional energy
  2. Approach situations with empathy and understanding
  3. Reduce unnecessary conflicts and misunderstandings
  4. Let go of the need to constantly please others

5 Steps to Shift Your Perspective

  1. Pause Before Reacting: When you feel hurt or offended, PAUSE. Give yourself a moment to consider other explanations.
  2. Practice Empathy: Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. What could they be going through?
  3. Seek Clarity: If something is really bothering you, have an open, non-confrontational conversation. I would bet, you’ll find that the intention was far from what you imagined.
  4. Focus on What You Can Control: Instead of dwelling on others’ actions, redirect your energy to your own growth and well-being.
  5. Celebrate Your Resilience: Recognize that others’ opinions or actions don’t determine your worth.

The Ripple Effect of Non-Personalization

By adopting this mindset, you’re not just improving your own life – you’re creating a ripple effect.

All of your personal and professional relationships will benefit from your new perspective.

You’ll find yourself:

  • Reacting less and responding more
  • Feeling more at peace with yourself and others
  • Building stronger, more understanding connections

Your “It’s Not About Me” Challenge

This week, I challenge you to catch yourself when you start to take things personally. Pause, reflect, and consider a different perspective.

You might be surprised at how this small shift can lead to big changes in your stress levels and overall happiness.

Remember, in the bigger picture, everyone is dealing with their own stuff.

Until next time, keep shining and growing!


Tonya Kay

P.S. Remember, embracing “it’s not about me” doesn’t mean you don’t matter. It means you’re secure enough to know that you matter, regardless of others’ actions or opinions.

And that, my friend, is true personal power.


3 Ways to Reclaim Your Time (and Sanity)

Download this FREE resource to see how you score on work/life balance.

Break free from the superhero syndrome. Become the empowered leader you’re meant to be, minus the exhaustion. Ready for your wake-up call? Email me:

Master the Art of the Confident “No” (and actually mean it). Your time is too precious for constant overwhelm. Reclaim your schedule, reclaim your life. Book a “Boundaries Breakthrough” call

Lead with Your Authentic Voice (People-Pleasing Mask Not Required). Watch your influence soar when you show up as your true self. Book a “From Burnout to Blazing Trails” strategy session

Learn how to embrace your authenticity with this FREE Guide.

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