Do You Know What Your Biggest Blind Spot Is?(Shocker😱)


Your Greatest Strength Could Be Your Biggest Weakness

Learn How To Amplify Your Impact Without Burning Out

Hey there, friend!!

You’re AMAZING!! Yes, YOU!!

You’ve achieved great things, strived and survived many ups and downs, and succeeded through hard work, grit, grind, and unwavering focus.

Let me ask you this? Have you considered how your drive might affect those around you?

Here’s a little insight into how your success and drive may dim the light of those around you.

The Unintended Consequences of Achievement

Even the most well-intentioned achievers can fall into patterns that stunt growth for those around them:

  1. Intensity Overload: Your non-stop pace may be burning out your team.
  2. Unclear Expectations: What seems obvious to you might be causing anxiety for others.
  3. Overshadowing: Your quick solutions might be preventing others from developing problem-solving skills. (I know this one first hand, guilty!)
  4. Always On: Your 24/7 availability sets an unsustainable pace for everyone.
  5. Perfectionism Paralysis: Your high standards may be freezing others with fear of failure.

This doesn’t just affect your work life. It spills over into personal relationships, community involvement, and even self-care. Yikes!

You may be asking…”Wait, that’s a real thing?”

Yep, sure is!

There is a way you can bring others along for the ride, creating your own tribe of excellence and achievers.

Let me show you how.

Shifting Gears: From Achievement to Amplification

Help everyone evolve and elevate:

  1. Cultivate Curiosity: Before offering solutions, ask probing questions. “What approaches have you considered?” opens the door for innovative thinking.
  2. Delegate Challenges, Not Just Tasks: Instead of assigning to-dos, present problems to solve. “We need to improve customer retention by 15%. What strategies would you propose?”
  3. Encourage Constructive Debate: Play devil’s advocate to spark discussion. “Here’s one perspective. Who sees it differently and why?”
  4. View Mistakes as Investments: When things go wrong, focus on learning. “What insights can we gain from this?”
  5. Model Work-Life Integration: Demonstrate that success includes personal well-being. Take vacations (and stay off your devices), pursue hobbies (your hobby is NOT your work), and talk about interests outside of work (think of things you enjoy that are fun and make you giggle).

The Amplifier’s Reward

As you make this shift, you’ll notice:

  • A more engaged, innovative team
  • Deeper, more balanced relationships
  • More time for personal growth and self-care
  • A sustainable approach that doesn’t require constant firefighting

Remember, your success isn’t measured by how indispensable you are, but by how well others perform in your absence.

Your Leadership Evolution Challenge

Try this: Be the last to offer your ideas in your next three meetings. Create space for others to contribute first, then build on their thoughts. Notice how this small shift changes the dynamic and ideas generated.

Remember, empowering others isn’t about diminishing your expertise. It’s about leveraging your experience to expose the full potential of those around you.

When you amplify others, you multiply your impact.

What will you do differently this week?

Grab your guide: 5 Strategies to Amplify Your Impact

  • Are you an accidental diminisher? Learn how to recognize the signs.
  • Activate the strategies (without burnout)
  • Accept the Amplifier Challenge

Cheering for you!


Tonya Kay

Tonya Kay

Life Coach | Speaker

Live More

Love More

Laugh More

💖💖💖Loving these insights? Let’s take it further!

Here are 3 ways we can level up your career and life together:

  1. 🚀 Ready to excel without the overwhelm? Let’s craft your personal success blueprint! → Shoot me an email:
  2. 💪 Perfectionism holding you back? Time to kick overthinking to the curb and make those power moves! → Book a free strategy call with me!
  3. ✨ Want to amplify your impact (and reclaim your time)? Let’s create a career path that lights you up every day! → Reach out and let’s see if we’re a perfect fit!

You’re already a powerhouse. Now, let’s turn your professional life into one that feels as amazing as it looks!🥳

Download this FREE resource to see your work/life balance score.

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