🛵How Two Electric Scooters Reignited a 60-Year Romance

Issue #8

The Day My Parents Outpaced Me – On Electric Scooters!

After 60 years of marriage, they thought adventure was behind them. They were wrong!

A Love Story for the Ages: 60 Years and Counting

Today, I want to share a special story about my parents, who are celebrating 60 years of marriage.

They’ve lived life to the fullest—traveling, exploring, and enjoying the little things and this year brought big changes. They sold their family home and let go of the things that gave them adventure, joy, and independence—their motorhome, scooters, kayaks, canoes, and boat.

At first, it was hard; they were managing and trying to embrace all the “newness” in their lives, but we began to notice that they were less cheerful and more tired.

Who wouldn’t be, right? All those things that brought joy were gone because they couldn’t physically do them anymore.

But then came a spark of hope – electric scooters! For real, my dad seemed to have a new focus. They rented a couple to try out. That same day, my brother, sister-in-law, and I were paddleboarding at our local Quinn’s Pond. In the middle of prepping for the water and blowing up our crafts, suddenly, there were my parents, zooming up on their scooters! (5MPH is the top speed here; zooming is relative LOL)

It was the cutest thing I’ve seen in a long time.

Mom was full of giggles, and Dad seemed lighter than he had in a while. These scooters let them explore again. Instead of being out for just an hour, they spent the whole day adventuring. They rode along the Boise River, had lunch at the Student Union Building at BSU, and then joined us at the ponds.

When I called to check on them later, thinking they’d be home with their feet up resting, they were still out having fun!

It’s amazing how trying something new brought back their joy and freedom. They can’t canoe or drive cross-country anymore, but they’re finding new ways to enjoy life.

Watching their love grow, their communication find new ways to enjoy each other, and seeing them thrive in this new chapter is truly inspiring. Their story is all about resilience, finding new opportunities, keeping a good outlook, supporting each other, and living life to the fullest.

Dad said- “it’s all about attitude and how you look at things.” I couldn’t agree more!

Mom, Dad – I’m so proud to be your daughter. Happy 60th anniversary!

Love you to pieces. xo

Tonya Kay


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