🔐What If Your Forgotten Dreams Hold the Key to Your Future?

Issue #6

What if We Let Ourselves Dream Again?

Hey Friend,

Do you remember when…“What do you want to be when you grow up?” was the biggest question in your life?

For some of us, that question still lingers, whispering in the quiet moments of our adulting.

As a kid, I was convinced that I was going to become a race car driver; I’m being totally serious here. Our country roads were my personal speedway, and I practiced with fierce determination.

That dream came to a screeching halt when my license was revoked at the age of 18 due to a collection of speeding tickets.

Embarrassed, I buried that dream deep and “adulted” on, never breathing a word of it to anyone.

Years passed, and life moved forward. But dreams have a funny way of resurfacing when we least expect them.

While working with my dear friend and speaking coach, I rediscovered the power of personal stories. She urged me to journal everything – the good, the bad, the forgotten.

One morning, as I put pen to paper, that long-buried dream of racing burst forth, as vivid as the day I first imagined it.

That rediscovered dream became a treasured part of my speeches and conversations. Little did I know, sharing it would lead to an incredible opportunity.

Recently, after telling this story, a new friend named Dakota approached me. “I’m going to help you make that dream come true,” she said. My heart raced faster than any car ever could.

Fast forward to the following Saturday: I found myself at a racing expo, being strapped into the passenger seat of a real race car.

Whoa, is this really happening??

Eeeeeekkk, here we go!!

Helmet on, palms sweaty, I heard Aaron, my driver, ask, “You ready?” My response? “Hello, yes! I’ve been waiting for this my whole life!”

39 exhilarating seconds later, it was over. I managed two more rides before the adrenaline overwhelmed me, sending me home for a much-needed nap.

What I learned:

Those daydreams you’ve pushed aside? They matter.

Your story, no matter how small or silly you might think it is, has the power to inspire, connect, and even come true in ways you never imagined. (speaking from experience here)

My challenge to you:

  • Reconnect with your forgotten dreams. What did that little version of you want to be?
  • Share your story. Your voice matters more than you know.
  • Listen to others. You might be the one to help someone else’s dream come true.

I 100% believe in the magic that happens when people dare to speak up and share our stories.

Your journey, your dreams, your voice – they all have the power to create ripples of inspiration and change.

What’s the dream you’ve been keeping quiet?

What’s the story you’ve been hesitant to tell? There’s no shame in sharing it out loud!

Let’s create a community where dreams are revived, voices are amplified, and stories change lives.

Remember, your story isn’t just yours – it’s a gift to the world.

Speak up, dream big, and watch the magic unfold.

Cheering for you today (and always)



→ 3 Ways I Can Sprinkle Some Magic on Your Journey:

  1. Dreaming of becoming the awesome leader you know you can be? Let’s uncover your secret sauce and whip up a strategy that’s 100% you. Drop me a line at hello@tonyakay.co and let’s chat!
  2. Tired of your brain doing gymnastics or chasing perfection? I’ve got your back! Snag my fun guides or hop on a coaching call – we’ll kick those habits to the curb together.
  3. Want to turn up the volume on your awesomeness? Through my tailor-made coaching, we’ll polish your superpowers, make your vision crystal clear, and leave a trail of positive vibes wherever you go. Reach out and let’s make some magic happen!
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