(⓿_⓿)Why “someday” is a dangerous word for achievers⁉️

Waiting for Dreams


“Good things come to those who wait.”

…Or do they?

Hey there, dream-chaser-in-waiting!

We’ve all heard it, right? That little voice in our head (or maybe it was your well-meaning BFF) telling you to be patient, that your time will come if you just… wait.

Sound familiar? I bet it does.

But here’s the million-dollar question:

How’s that working out for you?

Trapped by a Comfort Zone

Let’s be real for a sec. Waiting is comfortable. It’s safe. It doesn’t require you to:

  • Put yourself out there
  • Risk failure or rejection
  • Face your fears head-on

But while you’re playing it safe…

  • That business idea you had? It’s not going to happen just “thinking” about it.
  • That passion project? Still just a daydream.
  • That life-changing adventure? Still sitting on your bucket list.

Ouch, right? But here’s the thing – you’re not alone. And more importantly, you’re ready for change. You KNOW you are!

Why “Good Things Come to Those Who Dare” is Your New Mantra

Here’s the truth bomb: The universe doesn’t reward waiters. It rewards courage.

Think about it:

  • Did Oprah wait for permission to redefine television?
  • Did Brené Brown wait until she felt ‘ready’ to talk about vulnerability?
  • Did Sara Blakely wait for the ‘perfect moment’ to revolutionize shapewear?

Nope, nope, and definitely nope!

Fear: The Dream Thief (And How to Take Back Your Dreams)

I get it. Dreaming big is scary. What if you fail? What if people laugh? What if…?

But here’s a secret: Everyone who’s ever achieved something great asked those same questions. The difference? They did it anyway.

Let’s break down those fears:

  1. Fear of failure → Opportunity for growth and reinvention
  2. Fear of judgment → Chance to inspire others with your courage
  3. Fear of the unknown → Excitement for undiscovered possibilities

Your 3-Step Plan to Dream Big (And, Actually, Make It Happen!)

  1. Reconnect with Your Vision: What did you dream about before ‘practicality’ took over? What lights you up outside of your business? Write it down!
  2. Start Small, Dream Big: Break that vision into tiny, exciting steps. What’s one small thing you can do today that your future self will thank you for?
  3. Find Your Courage Tribe: Surround yourself with fellow dream-chasers who remind you of your limitless potential.

This Week’s Dream-Chasing Challenge

  1. Write down your biggest, scariest dream. The one that makes your heart race.
  2. Tell someone about it. A friend, a family member, or hey, tell me! Saying it out loud makes it real.
  3. Do ONE thing to move towards that dream. No matter how small. Then celebrate like you’ve won the lottery!

Remember, every big success story started with someone who dared to dream and then took that first, terrifying step.

Are you ready to be that someone?

Turn those dreams into reality. Because trust me, the view from cloud nine beats the couch any day of the week!

Here’s to less waiting and more creating,


Tonya Kay

P.S. Feeling that mix of excitement and terror? That’s your signal that you’re onto something big. Let’s chat and turn that energy into a game plan. Your future self is cheering you on!

Ready to Leave the Waiting Room?

3 Ways to Supercharge Your Dream-Chasing Game

→ Break free from the “someday” syndrome. Become the go-getter you’re meant to be. Ready for your wake-up call? Email me: hello@tonyakay.co.

→ Master the Art of Dreaming BIG (and making it happen). Because life’s too short for small ambitions. Book a Dream Acceleration Call.

→ Lead with Your Bold Vision (No More Playing Small). Discover how embracing your audacious dreams can skyrocket your success. → Book a “From Dreamer to Doer” strategy session (Let’s map out your journey to dream-crushing greatness!)

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