(⓿_⓿) What’s the point?

One Step OR Step One

Hey friend,

One day, that mountain you’re facing is going to be nothing more than a tiny blip in your rearview mirror. You’ll have to squint to see it, and even then, it might just blend into the horizon.

But the person you become in learning to get over that mountain… That sticks with you. Forever. That’s the real golden nugget.

So, where are you at?

You know what your hard is, whether you’re at the beginning of your journey, you’ve been battling to get to where you are, or you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Wherever you are, keep going. Every step, every stumble, it’s all making you into the incredible person you’re meant to be.

The person you’re becoming is worth every single step!

You are lovable!
You are worth it!

And, in case no one has told you today… you are enough—more than enough.

I Love You!



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