⏳3 Time-Stealing Habits (and How to Break Them)


Plan Smart & Live Large

The Game-Changing Approach to Owning Your Time and Goals

Hey there,

Are you someone who flies by the seat of your pants?

Well, it might be costing you more than you think. That “NO PLAN” approach is actually a time-thief.

The Cost of Winging It

  1. Decision Fatigue: Without a plan, you’re constantly deciding what to do next. It’s like being in a mental buffet line all day – exhausting!
  2. Reactive Mode: No plan? You’re at the mercy of whatever pops up. It’s like whack-a-mole!
  3. Lost Focus: When you don’t know what’s important, everything seems important. Hello, overwhelm!

What the Research Says

  • A study in the “Journal of Educational Psychology” found that students who used planning strategies showed better academic performance. Think of planning as your secret weapon for crushing goals!
  • The famous “Getting Things Done” (GTD) method by David Allen isn’t just hype. Research shows that having a trusted system for organizing tasks can seriously cut down on stress and boost productivity. Bye-bye, overwhelm!
  • A 2021 study in “Applied Psychology” found that daily planning not only improved task completion but also enhanced well-being. Double win!

Turning It Around: Your Action Plan

  1. Brain Dump: Get everything out of your head and onto paper. It’s like decluttering your mind!
  2. Prioritize: Not all tasks are created equal. Pick your top 3 for the day.
  3. Time Block: Give each task a home on your calendar. It’s like making appointments with yourself.
  4. Review and Adjust: At the end of each day, take 5 minutes to review and plan for tomorrow. Small tweaks, big results!

Remember, planning isn’t about rigidity – it’s about giving yourself the freedom to focus on what really matters.

It’s about saying “no” to the noise so you can say “yes” to your dreams.

By taking control of your time through planning, you’re not just managing your schedule – you’re designing your life.

You’ve got this!

Tonya Kay


5 Ways to Reclaim Your Time (and Sanity)

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Break free from the superhero syndrome. Become the empowered leader you’re meant to be, minus the exhaustion. Ready for your wake-up call? Email me: hello@tonyakay.co

Master the Art of the Confident “No” (and actually mean it). Your time is too precious for constant overwhelm. Reclaim your schedule, reclaim your life. Book a “Boundaries Breakthrough” call

Lead with Your True Self (People-Pleasing Mask Not Required). Discover how embracing your authentic voice can skyrocket your influence. Book a strategy session, “From Yes-Woman to Empowered Leader.”

Learn how to embrace your authenticity with this FREE Guide.

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